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September and October are months of celebration for my family with the birthdays of my nephew, his partner, my mother-in-law my two sons and their aunt Kate. Quite a list!

However, what fun to go out and celebrate big birthdays. It was my mother-in-law's 88th birthday last Saturday, a real occasion. Where better to celebrate than Cheltenham's iconic Art Deco restaurant, a former cinema?  Even the original motion picture projector is still there! After a quick tour of the place we had a lovely luncheon complete with brass band which even played 'Happy Birthday' to my mother-in-law, Ruby.

Great time, great food.

My characters in Waireka also have a number of celebrations across the years from weddings to the opening of new barns at the dairy. Why don't you read the book to find out how people celebrated in the nineteenth century? Their clothes were certainly not as comfortable as ours today and probably more like the ones below.